Having reviewed your track record on administering the financial affairs of this country, it would seem to be prudent to replace you effective, November 2012.
Did you really think we could go on for decades without balancing the budget and that there would be no consequences?
You could have taken draconian action, or you could have taken a more measured approach, but the truth is you have taken no action and now our Social Security and our credit rating are in jeopardy; our economy and our ability to deal with recession is compromised; our social safety net can no longer be sustained at present levels; and our reputation in the world has suffered.
We don't doubt that you will be telling us that it wasn't your fault; that you were unable to control spending; that there are sacred cows, that there is a lot of pressure in Washington, and that we should look at all the good that you have done. You may want to turn our attention to other issues, blame the opposition, or even start a small war to keep us from thinking about the impending financial train wrecks that you should have taken action to avert. No matter. You had your turn, and now you must go. Enjoy your ill-deserved pension...while it lasts.
This is a pink slip for Congress.