Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Hmmm. Perhaps my days are numbered...

You may recall from a previous blog that my 12-year-old let it slip that when I die, Linda plans to replace me with a Conure (parrot).  So I come home for Christmas vacation and guess what I find in the kitchen.  Yep.  Parakeet.

I can see that my days are numbered.  I need to go now, and check on my will...

See also:  I'm Being Replaced by a Bird


  1. Aren't you glad that, even though you're worth more dead than alive, that I much prefer you alive!! By the's a cockatiel. Better know your birds a little better if you expect to be replaced by one. ;)

  2. We had a parakeet for awhile and I really liked him. I'm sure he's just a starter bird and not your replacement... yet. Don't they normally have about a six year lifespan? That's plenty of time to get your affairs in order!


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