Monday, March 4, 2013

Sequestration Quiz: How much do you know really?

Question:  With sequestration cuts in effect in 2013, how much less will the government spend than they did in 2012?

Answer:  0

Our astute leaders will spend $15 billion more in 2013 than in 2012.

Question:  How much debt will be reduced over ten years of sequestration cuts?

Answer:  0

Our debt will continue to grow. History shows that if the economy struggles, the politicians will be afraid to cut spending.  If it prospers, they will want to spend even more.

How many of each of the ten years of sequestration will see actual reduction in spending?

Answer: 0

We will see increased spending each of the ten years of sequestration.

How many among of the major branches of government, major political parties, and Federal Reserve have proposed or supported a plan that includes spending less than our total revenue at any time in the next 10 years?

Answer: 0

The main goal as stated is to reduce the "rate of spending GROWTH" to keep it in line with the growth of the economy.

What are the chances of improving our fiscal health if we keep spending more than we take in indefinitely?

Answer: 0

We are solving today's problems by taking away the prosperity of our children.

If you're family kept spending more than it earned for several decades, what are the chances that you would magically find yourself in good financial shape?

Answer: 0

Your credit rating will continue to decline, credit will be more expensive, adding to your debt burden.  Eventually, you have to realize you are living beyond your means - or face catastrophic financial consequences.

People think the government is "punishing" them by making cuts.  Are you punishing your children if you don't buy them things you can't afford?

Read more at The City Square.

Also here: allamericanrealist

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