Sunday, May 25, 2014

Hard Questions: Does the theory of evolution ultimately lead to the existence of "God"?

I ran into some philosophical information the other day and thought to share it as a "thought experiment" showing how evolution, if a valid theory, would lead inevitably to the existence of God.  It goes like this:

1. Evolutionist believe in the old-age theory of the earth and the universe and that humans have evolved from simple amino acids to our present state.

2. The sun is only half-way through its expected life, so we would expect nature to continue evolution with similar advancements. 

3. By the end of the life of the sun, we would expect creatures as different from what we are now, as we are from amino acids.  If evolution drives complexity, then the new beings should be far more complex.

4. Beings more complex could be more intelligent and given the enormous size and assumed old age of the universe, this seems inescapable.  

5. Evolved beings could be smart enough to manipulate physics, create earths, experiment with creating new life forms.  If they appeared to beings like us, they might appear as "gods".  Were they to visit us, they could easily prove their superiority by manipulating physics in ways that seem miraculous to us.

If you believe in the old-age of the universe and especially if you accept the "multiverse" theory (that our universe is only one of trillions of universes) then the chances of some being gaining a full understanding of astrophysics, chemistry, and biology to create a world, or perhaps even set off a big bang are significantly high.  

Therefore, as a true evolutionist, it would be difficult to escape the conclusion that a "god" probably (probabilistically) already exists. For such a thing to happen, no magic is required - just advanced science.  It would take as much "faith" to believe that such a thing never happened, as it would to believe that a god created this planet and started life on it.

(I will try to track down the originator of this thought experiment to give credit where due.)  

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