Monday, December 28, 2009

I'm from the government...

I'm from the government, and I'm going to give you health care - whether you like it or not!

At least with car insurance, I can choose not to own or drive a car.  Millions of Americans in big cities do.  With Obamacare, I have to pay for it, or be fined. 

All they really had to do was make it illegal for insurance companies to decline people with previous conditions, and make them offer the same services to everyone at the same price.  Employers would continue to pay a share for employees, and unemployed/self-employed people would pay the same rate as employed.  

Let the people choose. You shove it down our throats, and we are going to rebel.  We've done it before. The ballot box makes it easier this time.  The tea parties were just a warning. We are planning to clean out Washington next election.

1 comment:

  1. in response to your most recent blog on health insurance reform you seem to be ignoring the fact that people who choose not to pay for their own insurance are in effect asking the taxpayer to foot the bill,usually in a hospital setting at a much higher cost than primary sure the large corperate very wealthy insurance companys appreciate your message but maybe not the average taxpayer.


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