Sunday, November 22, 2009

Zella now weighs 64.8 lbs. - I can barely toss her across the yard.

Zella now weighs 64.8 lbs. I can barely throw her across the yard any more. The issue came up because we were discussing the current mode of thinking that children are a burden. Zella objected, adamantly stating that children are not a burden.  I asked her how much she wieghs.  She promptly stepped on the scale and tipped it at 64.8 lbs.

So clearly children are a burden. 

People used to think that carrying on the human race was a noble thing to do. Mothers thought that babies were the most amazing thing -- the very thought of bringing life into the world was considered miraculous.  Not so much today.  We've matured.  We realize now that there are more important things to do.  For instance, if we had fewer children, we could take dance lessons, or a trip to Europe. We could work on that chemistry degree we've always wanted.  Or paint.  We could write a really great novel, better than that last one we read.  And there are so many movies to watch that have nothing to do with talking animals. Without children, there wouldn't be so much pressure to come home from work.  It's really inconvenient when we have to leave at 6 pm, when there are still so many emails to be deleted.   

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